Marvel Noise Episode 444 – Recent Reads, Toys & The Serpent Crown

Our December Recent Reads Roundtable includes Kevin’s Toy Korner with new Marvel Legends, a Panini Blood Hunt issue Andrew brought back from Germany, a CapCom Vs Marvel Multimedia Bundle, What If…Minnie Mouse Became Captain Marvel?, a catch-up on all things Moon Knight, the new West Coast Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man’s new storyline, Get Fury, and Sub-Mariner issues #8-13 from the end of 1968 into 1969 that introduce the Serpent Crown! #MN444

Marvel Noise Episode 443 – Peter David’s Captain Marvel V & Solo Sub-Mariner VI

Our final foray into Peter David’s Captain Marvel run, this time covering issues #13-25 of his second series, plus Steve holds his breath underwater just long enough to cover issues #2-7 of the Sub-Mariner’s first solo series! #MN443

Marvel Noise Episode 440 – Atlas-Era Menace & Giant-Size Creatures #1

Our Seasonal Halloween Episode with Steve, Kevin & Andrew exploring the Pre-Code, Atlas-Era anthology horror title Menace, then time-travelling to the Bronze-Age for Giant-Size Creatures #1! #MN440

Marvel Noise Episode 436 – Peter David’s Captain Marvel III

It’s our 3rd deep dive into Peter David’s Captain Marvel run, this time finishing up the 1st series with issues #26-35! Then Andrew discovers a volume of Strange Tales he doesn’t remember existing, Kevin explores Marvel’s foreign market presence and evergreen material, and Steve catches up on Al Ewing’s Immortal Thor title with issues #5-9! #MN436

Marvel Noise Episode 432 – Our Power Man & Iron Fist Finale!

Steve, Andrew and Kevin are back after an unintended hiatus last month to finish off the Bronze-Age Power Man & Iron Fist title with issues #111-125, the Jim Owsley(Priest) run from August 1984 to June 1986! #MN432

ITEM! The resolution of our technical issues is that all but the last 100 episodes of Marvel Noise have been moved to the Disney Vault for safekeeping until they find a new home. For the time being, those links are inactive. ’nuff said.

Marvel Noise Episode 428 – Unfinished Business

We circle back with the first of two segments to finish off covering the Bronze-Age Power-Man & Iron Fist title with issues 101-110 from October 1983 to July 1984, then Steve casts his 5th installment covering the Sub-Mariner’s solo stories, this time Tales to Astonish #100-101, the Iron Man & Sub-Mariner one-shot, and finally issue 1 of the ongoing Sub-Mariner title from the end of 1967 and the beginning of 1968! Imperious Rex! #MN428