Steve, Andrew & Kevin have a few Recent Reads to clear off their plate with All The Marvels, Black Panther #3, Black Widow #13, She-Hulk #1, The Unbeatable Squirrel-Girl, Star Wars #20, Defenders #5, Darkhawk #5, and Kate Bishop: Hawkeye #1-3. Then it’s our first installment covering Chuck Dixon’s run on the Marc Spector: Moon Knight series that began in 1989 with issues #1-7! @marvelnoise #MN384
Jim Whiting is back to help Steve cover some Silver-Age sleeper stories featuring Kang with Strange Tales #134 and Thor #140! Then wwxKevin and Andrew the LArabbit join Steve to add a Bronze-Age Kang appearance with Incredible Hulk #135 before ending with a Recent Reads Roundtable that includes the Timeless one-shot, Star Wars: Crimson Reign #1, the new Black Panther series, and Hulk #2! #MN383 @marvelnoise
Our Con-Men segment triumphantly returns as Steve & Rich discuss the 2021 BaltimoreComicCon and the AlbanyComicCon (a.k.a. the AlbanyComicBookShow)! Then strap in for a Giant-Size Recent Reads Roundtable as Kevin, Steve & Andrew touch on the Immortal Hulk’s finale, Gamma Flight, The Trial of Magneto, Inferno, Excalibur, X-Force, The Defenders, Beta Ray Bill, Moon Knight, Thor, Dark Ages, and Marvel Unlimited’s new Infinity Comics! @marvelnoise #MN379
Steve, Kevin & Andrew dish out some Recent Reads (The Thing #1, The Death of Doctor Strange #1, Star Wars – War of the Bounty Hunters, and Kang the Conqueror #1) before launching into our 13th installment of classic New Warriors coverage with the Forces of Darkness, Forces of Light arc from issues #32-34 & Annual #3! @marvelnoise #MN378
Steve, Kevin & Andrew offer up a slew of current Recent Reads, including Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #1, Roy Thomas: A Barbarian Life v1-3, Moon Knight #1-2, Defenders #1, X-Men #1-2, X-Men: Trial of Magneto #1, Star Wars, Shang-Chi #2, Darkhawk #1, Spider-Woman #13, Avengers/Hulk Free Comic Book Day 2021, Avengers 46-48, Cable: Re-loaded, and Conan #23! It’s a Giant-Sized Recent Reads Extravaganza! #MN374 @marvelnosie
Evergreen Thanks to Dave K for the Always Awesome Graphics
A Recent Reads Roundtable with The Marvels #1-3, The Black Cat Annual #2, Planet-Sized X-Men #1, Heroes Reborn, Gamma Flight #1, and Kevin’s Toy Korner (Marvel Legends!), then our 11th segment covering all-things-New-Warriors-in-the-’90s with the 4-issue Night Thrasher Limited Series! @marvelnoise #MN372
Thanks as always to Dave K for the awesome graphic!
Summertime rolls on with an entire episode of Recent Reads: Iron Man! Thor! Loki! Star Wars – War of the Bounty Hunters! Heroes Reborn/Return! The Marvels! Marvel – The Variant Covers hardcover! S.W.O.R.D.! Excalibur! X-Men! Planet-Sized X-Men! New Mutants! X-Corps! Fantastic Four – Life Story! Symbiote Spider-Man What If?! Iron Fist – Heart of the Dragon! Silk! ….and Andy’s Toy Talk! @marvelnoise #MN371
On this episode of the Marvel Noise Podcast, Steve, Kevin and Andrew share some Recent Reads including M.O.D.O.K. – Head Games, Conan the Barbarian, Star Wars – The War of the Bounty Hunters Prelude, The Guardians of the Galaxy, some X-Books, the Curse of the Man-Thing Anniversary crossover, and more. Then strap in as we continue our Bronze-Age Nova coverage with part 5, featuring Fantastic Four #204-214! #MN369
On this episode wwxKevin and Steve share some Recent Reads, including Strange Academy #1-8, the Immortal Hulk: Threshing Place one-shot, Shang-Chi #1, Amazing Spider-Man under Nick Spencer, hopes for the future of Darkhawk, and the Bronze-Age Adaptation of Conan: The Hour of the Dragon! Then Andrew, Kevin and Steve bring forth the 4th installment covering Nova’s original series with issues #22-25! Enjoy! #MN368 @marvelnoise
Steve Raker, Andrew the LA Rabbit, and wwxKevin unload a plethora of pent up Recent Reads, including some X-Books, Iron Man, Beta Ray Bill, Guardians of the Galaxy, Alien, X-Men: Demon Days, the first arcs of the latest Star Wars and Darth Vader titles, as well as ‘classics’ Deadpool 2099 and a Captain America issue from Acts of Vengeance! Our second hour features a Bronze Age Binge covering that time Zemo became Zemo in Captain America 270, 272, 275-279, with Vermin, Arnim Zola, Primus & Dough-Boy! Lastly, a bonus presentation of the Power Records version of Captain America #168 where Zemo II makes his first appearance as The Phoenix! #MN367 @marvelnoise
ITEM!: To fully celebrate and appreciate this Captain America arc, also check out Episode 32 of the Captain America Comic Book Fans Podcast hosted by Rick and Bob, who serendipitously recorded and aired their coverage of this storyline the same month as we did, each without the knowledge of the other (great minds think alike, True Believer!). Rick is also the curator of the Captain America Comic Book Fans Facebook Page, which we encourage you to check out! Get Episode 32 here, or wherever you catch your podcasts:–Cap-275-278-1982-1983-J-M–DeMatteis–Mike-Zeck–John-Beatty-e10h136