Marvel Noise Episode 395 – Not-So-Recent Not-Really-Reads

It’s a Not-All-Recent Not-All-Reads Roundtable as we jump into a Bronze-Age Binge with Marvel Team-Up issues #121, 131 & 138, discuss the Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness Movie and Ms Marvel Show (as well as Ms Marvel issue #12), plus Ghost Rider #4 (versus the Circus of Crime!), catch up on the Star Wars and Darth Vader Series as they approach their issue #25, and listen in awe as Andrew Unboxes a Marvel Unlimited Premium Subscriber Package! The Long, Perilous Road to Episode #400 continues! @marvelnoise #MN395

Marvel Noise Episode 391 – Recent Reads & New #1’s Overflow

Our stack of Recent Reads and New Number 1’s was so massive, we couldn’t cover them all over the last 2 episodes, bringing us to this King-Size Recent Reads Roundtable that includes the 2022 Free Comic Book Day offerings, Amazing Spider-Man, Hulk: Grand Design, Savage Avengers, a bunch of X-Books, and many more! #MN391 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 389 – Recent Reads Roundtable

It’s a Recent Reads Roundtable featuring the Devil’s Reign event, The Thing, Venom – Lethal Protector, The Marvel Art of the Brothers Hildebrandt, The Marvels, Elektra – Black, White & Red, Star Wars – The High Republic, & Sabretooth! @marvelnoise #MN389

Marvel Noise Episode 388 – Marc Spector: Moon Knight III

Steve begins a path through the Conan Marvel Graphic Novels with Conan the Reaver from 1987, then is joined by Andrew to tell Kevin about the Beyond Amazing: 60 Years of Spider-Man Web Event from March. This episode’s Marvel Tales Feature is the 3rd installment of our Marc Spector: Moon Knight coverage with issues #15-21, featuring the Trial of Marc Spector! Enjoy! #MN388 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 387 – New Warriors XVI (Child’s Play)

Our host accepts the power cosmic back into his life with Silver Surfer-Rebirth, then the guys join in for our 16th installment of Classic New Warriors coverage with issues #43-46, including the ‘Child’s Play’ crossover with X-Force #32-33! @marvelnoise #MN387

Marvel Noise Episode 357

After an unintended sabbatical since Halloween, Steve, Kevin & Andrew are back with the first of 3 weekly episodes to finish out 2020. It’s a Bronze Age Binge with Marvel Two-In-One #50, 100, & 52, followed by a Recent Reads Roundtable of current comics that includes first thoughts on the X of Swords X-Men event, Giant-Size X-Men: Storm, Juggernaut #1-2, Thor #7-9, Iron Man #1-2, Amazing Spider-Man #49-51, Daredevil #22-23 …and Adam X?!? #MN357 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 354

1st Nova segment (episode 347):

2nd Nova segment (episode 349):

Marvel Noise Episode 352

Recent Reads Galore!: West Coast Avengers, Thor, King Thor, Jane Foster: Valkyrie, Black Cat, the Spider-Man/Venom & X-Men/Iron Man 2020 FCBD issues, Wolverine Vs Blade Special, Giant-Size X-Men: Fantomex, Ant-Man, a classic issue of Strange Tales, and the broadcast finale of Agents of SHIELD! #MN352 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 351

Steve catches up on the Immortal Hulk series, then Andrew & Kevin join in to cover Moon Knight #25 before Gary Arkell is added to the mix for our 7th installment featuring the New Warriors with issues #18-21! Kevin & Steve end by sharing some recent reads, including Fantastic Four, The Avengers, the X-Books, Deadpool, and Ghost Spider. Enjoy! #MN351 @marvelnoise