Quick Hit Review: Dark Reign – The List: Avengers

I had no interest in Dark Reign’s beginning, yet the tail end of the status quo’s existence is dragging me back to the Marvel Universe full force. Dark Reign – The List: Avengers kicks off a series of eight one-shot/special issues that entail what seems to be Norman Osborn’s full-force (if not final) siege upon the world of Marvel Heroes. As Osborn sees it, it is time to bring some real change to the world and take full control of the way things function – mainly the freedoms of the world’s largest super-powered individuals who constantly threaten his presence at the top.

This book did what all event-focused books should: take existing characters that we all know at the core and study them from another angle while exploring their reactions, attitudes and character under unusual and even extreme circumstances. Bendis does this by simply focusing on two different sides of the Norman Osborn argument: kill him or bring him to justice? The idea creates an interesting divide within the Avengers team, and it also allows reflects upon what makes the characters of Captain America, Spider-man and Clint Barton who they are. Ultimately, this question is what moves the plot of the issue and places a specific character in an interesting position which will surely see farther exploration in the core Avengers book (New Avengers).

The artwork within this issue is also very well produced – the tag team of Djurdjevic, Morales and Gracia work well in their collaboration implanting a tone of desperation and almost futility. Djurdjevic also captures the sequential feel quite nicely, which is shocking for the amount of cover work he produces.

All and all, this was well worth the read and adds to my growing curiosity of the current Marvel Comics landscape. Yet, to place a warning to potential consumers, this book is not oversized for the 3.99 price tag. It may feel heavy when picked off the spinner rack, but don’t let the dual eight-page previews of Dark Reign – The List: Daredevil & Dark Reign – The List: X-Men fool you. But, I will not linger on that complaint – I still bought it holding that knowledge after all. But yes, Dark Reign: The List – Avengers is a nice example of a good event-centric comic book; it packs interesting looks at favorite characters, gorgeous artwork and a cliff-hanger that leaves the reader curious for more.

Written By: Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils: Marko Djurdjevic
Inks: Mark Morales
Colors: Marte Gracia

Marvel Noise Episode 76

newmutants1After a short break our host is back to talk Avengers.  Thrown in is also a phone call or five, new releases, and review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Titles mentioned include FCBD The Avengers, The Mighty Avengers, The New Avengers, and X-Factor.

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Shipping May 6, 2009:

Agents Of Atlas Vol 2 #4 Incentive Ed McGuinness Variant Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) – [PI]
Agents Of Atlas Vol 2 #4 Regular Stuart Immonen Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Alias Ultimate Collection Book 1 TP $34.99
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #593 $2.99
Astonishing Tales Vol 2 #4 $3.99
Cable Vol 2 #13 2nd Ptg Ariel Olivetti Variant Cover (Messiah War Part 2) $2.99
Cable Vol 2 #14 Ariel Olivetti Cover (Messiah War Part 4) $2.99
Cable Vol 2 #14 Kaare Andrews Cover (Messiah War Part 4) $2.99
Daredevil Noir #2 Regular Tom Coker Cover $3.99
Daredevil Noir #2 Variant Dennis Calero Cover $3.99
Deadpool Vol 3 #10 (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Deadpool Vol 3 #9 2nd Ptg Paco Medina Variant Cover (Magnum Opus Part 3)(Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Destroyer (Marvel MAX) #2 $3.99
Essential Spider-Man Vol 9 TP $19.99
Exiles Vol 4 #2 $2.99
Fantastic Four True Story TP $10.99
Fin Fang Four Return #1 $3.99
Hulk Broken Worlds #2 $3.99
Human Torch Comics #1 70th Anniversary Special Incentive Marcos Martin Variant Cover – [PI]
Human Torch Comics #1 70th Anniversary Special Regular Adi Granov Cover $3.99
Invincible Iron Man #13 (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Marvel 70th Anniversary Poster Book $5.99
Marvel Masterworks Incredible Hulk Vol 5 HC Regular Dust Jacket $54.99
Marvel Masterworks Incredible Hulk Vol 5 HC Variant Dust Jacket $54.99
Marvel Spotlight New Mutants $2.99
Marvel Zombies 4 #2 $3.99
New Avengers Reunion #3 (Dark Reign Tie-In) $3.99
New Mutants Vol 3 #1 Incentive Bob McLeod Variant Cover – [PI]
New Mutants Vol 3 #1 Incentive Ryan Benjamin Variant Cover – [PI]
New Mutants Vol 3 #1 Regular Adam Kubert Cover $3.99
New Mutants Vol 3 #1 Regular Alex Ross Cover $3.99
Official Index To The Marvel Universe #5 $3.99
Spider-Man Death And Dating HC $24.99
Terror Inc Apocalypse Soon #1 $3.99
Thor Ages Of Thunder HC $24.99
Trojan War #1 $3.99
Ultimatum X-Men Fantastic Four HC $24.99
Universal War One Revelations #2 $5.99
War Of Kings #2 2nd Ptg Paul Pelletier Variant Cover $3.99
War Of Kings #3 Incentive Paul Pelletier Variant Cover – [PI]
War Of Kings #3 Regular Brandon Peterson Cover $3.99
X-Men First Class Finals #4 $3.99

Product Updates:

  • Fin Fang Four Return #1 (MAR092556D, $3.99; FOC 04/16/09) will be 40 pages, not 48 pages. It will have 35 pages of story and five ad pages, as solicited.
  • New Mutants #1 (MAR092602D, $3.99; FOC 04/16/09) has 50/50 covers by Adam Kubert and Alex Ross. While not previously solicited as such, the Adam Kubert Cover is a wraparound cover. The Alex Ross cover is not a wraparound cover.
  • War of Kings #3 Variant (MAR092591D, $3.99; FOC 04/16/09) will have cover art by Paul Pelletier.

Review: Exiles #1

exiles1This is the first issue of Exiles I have ever read.  Which is great because it’s the first issue of the new Exiles series, so it all works out.  I’ll tell you this right up front: I recommend this book heartily.

It’s no secret that I’m a big Jeff Parker fan.  With this issue he not only gets you up to speed on what this is all about, but you get introduced to the team in a way where no one gets shortchanged.  Salva Espin first popped up on my radar with the Wolverine: First Class series and I think Salva’s linework complements Jeff’s words perfectly.  Anthony Washington’s colors enhance the art and Simon Bowland’s letters are perfect in the sense that they aren’t distracting with balloons and caption boxes placed in unfortunate spots and of course are easy to read.

As stated, this issue is a great jumping on point.  Having no knowledge of the previous volumes, but aware of their existence, at no time did I feel cheated or out of the loop with the title’s history.  The team consists of Polaris (from Earth-8149), Beast (Earth-763), Earth-1119’s Panther (not once referenced as Black Panther), Forge (Earth-2814), Earth-8823’s Witch (sans the Scarlet label), and Blink.  We’re introduced to each member (save for Blink) right as they are about to face certain death, plucked from their reality and facing Morph, who gives them a rundown of what the Exiles are designed to do.  Have I mentioned how accessible this issue is?

What I found interesting is that we haven’t been old Panther’s real name yet.  The character doesn’t ‘read’ like the T’Challa we’re used to in the 616 and Beast mentions that he doesn’t sound like the Black Panther from his earth.  Everything else appears to be the same.  Polaris and Witch are half-sisters, Forge is Forge (and married), Beast, while Hank McCoy, looks a little more beastly and seems to have a bit of a violent streak if his introduction is any indication.  Blink, who I know from Age of Apocalypse and the other Exiles series, is the only one without an introduction, but we get brought up to speed fairly quickly.

And the last page?  If I wasn’t coming back for the second issue based on the first twenty-one pages, the last page would have sealed the deal.

Seriously, this is a must have.  I’m delighted to be along for this ride.

Exiles #1 “Deja Vu”
Writer: Jeff Parker
Art: Salva Espin
Colors: Anthony Washington
Letters: Simon Bowland
Cover: Bullock, Irwin, and Washington
Editor: Mark Paniccia
$3.99, 40 pgs

Marvel Noise Episode 68

wolvfc12We’re talkin’ Thunder God this week with thoughts on Thor #12 and #600.  Pat has the new releases and Steve impresses us with the first part in his series on the DeFalco and Ryan Fantastic Four.  Plus, not one, but two messages from Chris Chavez, aka Equinox!

Titles mentioned this week include Thor and Captain Britain and MI:13.

Discuss this episode.
Discuss previous Marvel Noise episodes here.

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Marvel items shipping 2/25/09:

Avengers The Initiative #22 (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Captain America Vol 5 #47 $2.99
Dark Avengers #1 2nd Ptg Mike Deodato Jr Variant Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) $3.99
Dark Reign Files $4.99
Dark Tower Treachery #6 Regular Jae Lee Cover $3.99
Dr Doom And The Masters Of Evil #2 $2.99
Enders Shadow Battle School #3 $3.99
Fantastic Four Vol 3 #554 Top Cow Marc Silverstri Variant Cover – [PI]
Fantastic Four Vol 3 #564 $2.99
Ghost Rider Danny Ketch #5 $3.99
Hulk Vol 2 #10 Incentive Art Adams Variant Cover – [PI]
Hulk Vol 2 #10 Regular Left Side Defenders Cover $3.99
Hulk Vol 2 #10 Regular Right Side Offenders Cover $3.99
Incredible Hercules #126 $3.99
Kick-Ass #1 Umpteenth Ptg $2.99
Kick-Ass #2 Umpteenth Ptg $2.99
Kick-Ass #3 Umpteenth Ptg $2.99
Kick-Ass #4 Umpteenth Ptg $2.99
Lords Of Avalon Knight Of Darkness #4 $3.99
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four #45 $2.99
Marvels Eye Of The Camera #4 Black & White Version $3.99
Marvels Eye Of The Camera #4 Regular Version $3.99
Marvel Illustrated Treasure Island TP $14.99
Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Strange Tales Vol 2 HC Regular Dust Jacket $59.99
Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Strange Tales Vol 2 HC Variant Dust Jacket $59.99
Marvel Masterworks Mighty Thor Vol 8 HC Regular Dust Jacket $54.99
Marvel Masterworks Mighty Thor Vol 8 HC Variant Dust Jacket $54.99
Mighty Avengers #22 (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Ms Marvel Vol 2 #36 (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
New Avengers #50 Regular Billy Tan Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) $4.99
New Avengers #50 Variant Kubert Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) $4.99
Nova Vol 4 #22 $2.99
Runaways Vol 3 #7 $2.99
Scourge Of The Gods #2 $5.99
Secret Invasion Black Panther TP $12.99
Secret Invasion Runaways Young Avengers TP $12.99
She-Hulk 2 #38 $3.99
Skaar Son Of Hulk #8 Incentive Ron Lim Variant Cover – [PI]
Skaar Son Of Hulk #8 Regular David Yardin Cover $2.99
Skrulls vs Power Pack TP Digest $9.99
Thunderbolts #129 Incentive Clint Langley Variant Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) – [PI]
Thunderbolts #129 Regular Francesco Mattina Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Ultimate Spider-Man #131 (Ultimatum Tie-In) $2.99
War Machine Vol 2 #3 (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Wolverine First Class #12 $2.99
Wolverine Origins #33 (Dark Reign Tie-In) $2.99
Wonderful Wizard Of Oz #2 2nd Ptg Skottie Young Variant Cover $3.99
X-Force Vol 3 #12 $2.99
Ythaq Forsaken World #3 $5.99

Product Updates:

  • Captain America #47 (DEC082361D, $2.99; FOC 01/29/09) will have art by Butch Guice, not Steve Epting.
  • The previously unannounced cover artist for The Dark Tower: Treachery #6 Variant (DEC082331D, $3.99; FOC 02/05/09) will be Dennis Calero.
  • Dr. Doom and the Masters of Evil #2 (DEC082365D, $2.99; FOC 02/05/09) will have art by Jon Buran, in addition to the previously solicited Patrick Scherberger.
  • Incredible Hercules #126 (DEC082374D, $3.99, FOC 02/05/09) will be rated T+, not A.
  • Ms. Marvel #36 DKR (DEC082316D, $2.99; FOC 02/05/09) will have a new cover by Phil Jimenez that was previously solicited as the cover to Ms. Marvel #37 DKR (JAN092485D, $2.99; FOC 03/05/09), which will now have a new, previously unseen Phil Jimenez cover.
  • Nova #22 (DEC082385D, $2.99; FOC 02/05/09) will have art by Andrea Di Vito, not Wellinton Alves.
  • She-Hulk 2 #38 (DEC082390D, $3.99) will be 40 pages, not 48 pages. No content has been changed.
  • Skaar, Son of Hulk #8 (DEC082391D, $2.99; FOC 02/05/09) & #9 (JAN092525D, $2.99; FOC 03/05/09) will have art by Ron Lim, not Jackson Guice.
  • War Machine #3 DKR (DEC08 2318, $2.99) is now Rated T+, not A.
  • Wolverine: First Class #12 (DEC082409D, $2.99; FOC 02/05/09) will have art by Scott Koblish, not Wil Quintana

Review: Secret Invasion: War of Kings #1

siwok001_dc11Black Bolt is one ticked off king.  After being held prisoner and replaced by the shape shifting Skrulls, the Inhuman’s silent ruler is out for a little revenge.  And he isn’t about to let anybody stand in his way to get it. Get ready for some high octane space action in this hot new one shot that kicks off Marvel’s next big galactic event, War of Kings!

Secret Invasion: War of Kings was a very cool start to this new event.  Penned by Marvel’s go to space guys, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, this issue has me really fired up to see the rest of the story.  It seems Abnet and Lanning are unbeatable when it comes to space tales, and this issue just helps prove that.  There is no huge build up to the story, it just takes off from the first page and gets us right into the action.  The pacing of the story was really well handled, with the writers giving us just the right amount of action mixed with scenes of dialog.  I never felt as if the story hit any slow points or areas that lost my interest, as I often times tend to do with space tales.  I thought the dialog was really well written, especially with the character of Maximus.  This was the first time I’ve ever read anything with this character, but I could really get a sense of who he was just from his dialog.

The art from pencilers Paul Pelletier and Bong Dazo and inkers Rick Magyar and Joe Pimentel was truly top notch!  The two artist seem to be a great match together as I never felt a sudden jolt in art change when the other artist took over a scene.  The pages were beautifully rendered with great detail and I love Pelletier’s space ship and machine designs.

I only have one complaint about the issue and that is with the font used at the beginning to represent Skrull speech. At first I thought there was something wrong with the way the issue was printed, but quickly realized it was the font itself.  It looks as if flakes of ink came of the letters leaving the pieces broken looking.  There were several times it was hard to tell what the letters even were.  I appreciate the effort to make the Skrull speak look more dramatic, but felt the effect came up short.

In all, this was a really great issue.  From start to finish the book had me hooked, and kept my interest even through a second read through.  I have no doubt that Abnett and Lanning are going to deliver another grade A space epic with this event!  Definitely give this book a shot, and be sure to pick up the free copy of War of Kings Saga to go along with it.  Not knowing much Inhuman history, I found it to be invaluable!

siwok001_int01 siwok001_int02 siwok001_int03 siwok001_int04 siwok001_int05 siwok001_int06 siwok001_int07

One-Shot/Rated T+ …$3.99

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Review: Mighty Avengers #20

mightavn020_cov1Since returning to Earth after being held captive by the Skrulls, Hank Pym has found the his world completely changed.  The superhero Civil War has divided many of his old teammates and allies.  Captain America is dead.  The Skrulls failed an attempted invasion of Earth which resulted in the death of the woman he loved, Janet Van Dyne, and has left his reputation in question.  Now, facing life in a world he no longer recognizes and dealing with the anquish of having to bury his wife, who can Hank place the blame for all of these events on?

Mighty Avengers #20 draws to a close the Secret Invasion event for this seris and sets the stage for Dark Reign.  Writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists Lee Weeks, Jim Cheung and Carlo Pagulayan deliver a heartbreaking story that, in my opinion, was Bendis’ best tie-in to this event.  The story opens up in the past with Hank and the Wasp when they were on the first Avengers team discussing the discovery of the frozen Captain America and how much the world has changed since he was last seen.  We also get a glimpse at how much the two were in love with each other at that time.  Flash forward to the present and we find a distraught Hank Pym, along with Ms. Marvel and Wonderman, making Janet’s funeral arrangements.  Upon leaving the meeting, Carol fills Hank in on all the events, including Civil War, World War Hulk and Secret Invasion, that have occurred since his abduction.  At Janet’s funeral, Hank makes it very clear who he blames for these events.

I thought Bendis did an excellent job bringing out the emotion in this issue.  Jan’s death in Secret Invasion #8 didn’t sit that well with me.  For a character with her history, I thought she deserved a little bit more of an emotional response from the other heroes.  I feel this issue gave us that emotion, especially with Hank.  His response at the funeral felt very real and I thought it was well written.  I loved the way Bendis compared Hank’s return with Captain America’s in Avengers #4, being a man out of his time.  It really helped build on the emotional side of the story and helped me pick up on what Hank must be going through.  My one complaint with this issue would have to be the events flashback pages.  The art from Jim Cheung was very well done, but they just felt a little out of place with the story.

Speaking of the art, all three artist delevered solid work here.  I especially liked Carlo Pagulayan’s pages for the funeral scene.  Each panel was wonderfully detailed and, I may be sounding like a broken record here, really had great emotion coming from each of the characters involved.  Lee Weeks opened up the story beautifully with the flashback sequence featuring Hank and Janet in their original costumes.  Jim Cheung had the smallest part of the story, but as I said above, drew some really nice pages giving us a quick look back at Civil War, World War Hulk and Secret Invasion.

Bendis ends his run on this series in style and sets up for Dan Slott to take over with issue #21.  I wasn’t too crazy with the other Mighty Avenger Secret Invasion issues, but this issue really made up for those in my opinion.  As a whole though, I have really enjoyed this series so far and look forward to seeing were Slott and artist Khoi Pham take the book!

Rated A…. $2.99

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Review: Punisher: War Zone #1

The team that ushered in a new era of Frank Castle goodness is back! Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon return for Punisher: War Zone, a six part weekly mini. This mini ties into Ennis and Dillon’s “Welcome Back Frank” arc, which I’m very sad to say I have yet to read (but hope to soon remedy). The story starts off with Frank saving the life of a small time mafia thug named Charlie Schitti. Charlie was a driver and body guard for crime boss Pete Alceno’s son, Joey, until an unfortunate run in with a monkey left Joey unable to contribute to the family tree and poor Charlie with a mark on his head. Now Frank wants Charlie to go undercover back into the mob to fish out some info on a reported Italian branch of the Gnucci family that Frank took out in “Welcome Back Frank” and their connection to Pete Alceno. Plus, a second generation Punisher villain looks to make his debut!

In my comic reading, I have only had a small exposure to Garth Ennis’ work, but I kinda knew what to expect when going into this. Let me say, Ennis definitely delivers the goods here! I really liked his development of the character of Charlie. I loved the way that Charlie is so matter-of-fact about the fact that he did something wrong and knows he must pay the price for it. Even after the Punisher saves him, he knows Frank is probably going to kill him and just seems to wonder what is taking him so long to do it. Ennis makes Charlie an extremely likable character, and left me truly feeling concerned about the state he’s going to be in by the time this story is finished. The story itself moves along at a decent pace setting up for the next few issues. There wasn’t very much action in this issue, but the story set up really has me looking forward to what happens next. This issue is a Marvel Knights tale and it doesn’t get too graphic with the violence but the scene with the fore mentioned monkey was excellent classic Ennis material!

I don’t really know how to describe Steve Dillon’s art other than it’s a perfect fit for this book. Going back to the scene with the monkey again, he shows you just enough to get the scene across and then leaves the rest to the imagination. I think he does an excellent job with facial expressions, which really conveys what the characters are saying without having to read the dialog.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this first issue. This issue has really set up what looks like is going to be a very good mini. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Charlie makes it out ok, but from what I know about Ennis, anything can happen! Luckily, with it’s weekly format, I won’t have to wait long to find out.

Parental Advisory …$3.99

Review: Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. #35

Wanted by the Russians for violating Russian airspace. Strapped to a dissecting table, getting ready to be filleted open by a very nasty looking scapal and an even nastier looking Skrull. Plus, the whole world’s quickly falling into chaos. Things are starting to look kinda bleak for ol’ James “Rhodey” Rhodes! Get ready for some all out Skrull blasting action in the conclusion to War Machine: Weapon of S.H.I.E.L.D!

Awesome, awesome issue! Writer Christos Gage and artist Sean Chen have delivered a solid winner with this book! From the opening page, the story takes off and doesn’t let up until the last panel! Gage’s script features some absolutely fantastic dialog, especially with the character of Crimson Dynamo. There is one scene in particular with Dynamo receiving orders from his superiors and he’s trying to decide whether to follow the orders or go with what he believes is the right thing to do that I really thought was terrific. The whole moment just felt very real and believable. As far as I can remember, this is the first time I have ever read anything with Crimson Dynamo before, but I definitely want to see some more of him! As far as Rhodey goes, I loved his portrayal in this book. From giving a Skrull a laser labotomy to using himself as a human missle to take down Skrull battle cruisers, I was really digging his pull no punches, full throttle attitude!

The art from Chen, inker Sandu Florea, and colorist Jay David Ramos was absolutely top notch. There were some wonderful splash pages scattered throughout and all the battle sequences were wonderfully detailed. Plus, the cover from Adi Granov of War Machine diving into battle with guns blazing is just spectacular!

In all, this was just a really fantastic issue all around. From the writer to all the artists involved, everyone delivered a top notch read. This issue has really got me fired up to check out the upcoming War Machine series coming this December!

Rated T+ …$2.99

To find a comic shop near you, call 1-888-comicbook

Review: Punisher War Journal #24

After his tango with Jigsaw and capture by S.H.I.E.L.D., Frank has been living the dream at a S.H.I.E.L.D. maximum security prison. Thanks to the
Skrulls knocking out all Stark Industries technology worldwide during their invasion of Earth, Frank finds himself back on the streets and doing what he does best: killing. Luckily for Frank, and not so lucky for the Skrulls, there are plenty of targets to take out and get his kill numbers back up to where they were preincarceration. It’s all out Skrull busting (or bursting) fun as the Punisher brings his one man army to the frontlines in this Secret Invasion crossover.

Matt Fraction and Rick Reminder seem to really be having a good time with this book. I definitely know I have! I’ve starting picking this book up a little late in Fractions and Reminders run, but what I’ve read I have thoroughly enjoyed. This issue was no exception. It was a blast seeing Frank charge into battle with a bazooka in one hand, driving a big pickup decked out with Skrull skulls (try saying that three times fast) while blasting AM Gold on the radio. There was lots of action mixed with some good moments of humor. It was a little weird, and maybe just a little out of character, seeing Frank having a good time taking out the Skrulls, but it still made for an enjoyable story. I particularly enjoy the moments between Frank and Bridge. I like the banter back and forth between the two, and even though Bridge keeps trying to capture him, Frank is always there saving his butt.

I’m really starting to warm up to Howard Chaykin’s art, though it has taken me several issues to get used to his style of drawing. I really appreciate the amount of detail he puts into each page. Where as before I was a little distracted by the way he drew his characters, I found myself able to really get into this story both story and art wise.

If I had one complaint about this issue, it would be the white suited Hammerhead/Kingpin Skrull. I know they are putting the super Skrulls in outfits similar to their supervillan/hero counterparts so we will know who they are getting their powers from, but sometimes it just turns out all kinds of goofy looking. That being said, this issue was still a blast to read! Matt Fraction and Rick Reminder are doing a fantastic job, and I’m really gaining an appreciation for Howard Chaykin’s art. If your looking for a something a little different from what your used to with the Punisher, I highly recommend giving this issue a shot!

Parental Advisory …$2.99

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Review: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse #1

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse is my first introduction to Laurell K. Hamilton’s world of vampires, werewolves and monsters. This issue definitely has piqued my interest in the series. My first impression of the character of Anita Blake is that she seems to be your typical hard-as-nails female cop (even though she’s not a cop) that you would see on tv except for a few small quirks, such as getting queasy at the sight of blood, that I found kinda funny considering her profession. This issue doesn’t give us much of a look at what her career exactly is, and since this is the first time I’ve read anything from this series, that is something I would have liked to have seen just a little bit more of. However, what we do learn from the story has me really interested to check out the rest of this series. From this first issue, I’m kinda getting a Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets CSI vibe, which is certainly not a bad thing.

Series creator Laurell K. Hamilton and adapter Jess Ruffner deliver a fairly solid story. I enjoyed the interaction between each of the characters and thought the dialog was well written. I would have liked to at least gotten a little glimpse of a vampire, werewolf or zombie since that is what got me interested in this book in the first place, but that is just a personal preference and didn’t take away any from the story. I thoroughly enjoyed the art form the team of Ron Lim and June Chung. I thought each page was beautifully rendered and the great colors from June Chung were really impressive.

In conclusion, I’m looking forward to checking out the rest of this story. These are the type of stories I usually really enjoy, so I’m hoping this one doesn’t let me down. I’m going to have to check out the first Anita Blake trade to learn a little bit more about this character.

Mature …$3.99

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