Marvel Noise Episode 246

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It’s a 3-segment Marvel Noise hat-trick for Steve as he tells Gerry McDade tales from Special Edition NYCC, covers a slew of Secret Wars tie-in first issues with Andrew the LArabbit, then discusses with Kevin Whirlwindx Secret Wars 3, the ‘All-New, All-Different Marvel’ teaser images, and how fathers are portrayed in the Marvel Universe…..Enjoy!

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Marvel Noise Episode 241

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While David’s not looking, Steve and Phil deliver some current reads (Moon Knight, Ant-Man and Avengers: Millenium Infinite Comics, Nova Annual 1, Hulk, Star Wars, and the late 20 issue X-Factor series), then Kevin, Andrew and Steve advance Project: Thunderbolts 3 more issues, covering 45 to 47 of the original series…Enjoy!

Marvel Noise Episode 235

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Happy 2015! Steve joins Andrew and Kevin to talk about gift books (75 Years of Marvel, Marvel Comics: 75 Years of Cover Art, Drew Friedman’s Heroes of the Comics, the John Buscema Silver Surfer Artist’s Edition, and Who is Stan Lee?), then delve into some more classic Thunderbolts issues (this time up, it’s #31-33…the end of writer Kurt Busiek’s run)! Enjoy!

Marvel Noise Episode 229

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The inmates run the asylum while host David Price is off at NYCC! Steve scores some old Kirby art books, presents some recently published collections of Marvel Covers, mentions Wolverine: Origins II (electric boogaloo), and re-discovers Marvel Super-Heroes vol.2 before turning the mic over to Kevin and Andrew, who bust a move discussing Thunderbolts issues 19-21! Enjoy!

Marvel Noise Episode 204

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While regular host David is off living it up at NYCC, Steve Raker & Gerry McDade cover the early publishing history of The Guardians of the Galaxy (1968-1980)!

closing tune from Jefferson Airplane at Woodstock (Volunteers)

Talking About Marvel Episode 1

“Hi David, I am now uploading episode….but, like I suggested, it’s not really a previews episode, more an hour and forty five minute discussion going around the Marvel U….looking ahead to some Previews info/solicits, but also what we’ve been reading that’s current, even Spider-Man Unlimited ’90s cartoon! I added intro music and outro Jorma Kaukonen acoustic Santa related tune. Problem is I titled it like a segment, not an episode of Marvel Noise or a ‘previews’. If you’d alert Derek or rename and/or retool, that’d be great.”