Marvel Noise Episode 409 – Super-Villian Classics Featuring Blastaar, the Living Bomburst!

Steve, Andrew & Kevin look back at a collection of Super-Villian Classics featuring Blastaar, the Living Bomburst, including his 1st appearance in Fantastic Four #61-63 (1967), plus X-Men #53 (1968), Thor #269-270, and Marvel Two-In-One #75 (1981). Then the guys launch into a Recent Reads Roundtable with The X-Men Animated Series Hardcover Book, Limited Series Joe Fixit, The Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Thunderbolts, The Wasp, All-Out Avengers, and Monica Rambeau – Photon, the Amazing Spider-Man – Dark Web Event, and More! #MN409 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 408 – Sub-Mariner II + New Warriors XX (aka Nova VII!)

Steve gets the reaction of today’s youth to Ant-Man Quantamania before diving into our second installment of classic solo Sub-Mariner stories with Tales To Astonish #81-87 from 1966. Then Andrew leads Kevin & Steve through Nova’s second series (1994) and New Warriors #60, which is both our 7th segment covering Nova’s publishing history and our 20th of New Warriors coverage! #MN408

Marvel Noise Episode 407 – Boomerang, The Secret Empire, & The Frightful Four

After an unintended month-long sabbatical (during which we kept recording and now have a ton of content to dole out), we’re back with a trio of Super-Villain Classics: The first appearances of The Secret Empire and Boomerang from the Hulk side of Tales to Astonish #81-88 from 1966, and the last two Bronze-Age appearances of The Frightful Four (from Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #42 and Fantastic Four #218 in 1980, and Amazing Spider-Man 212-215 from ’80 & ’81!). Enjoy! @marvelnoise #MN407

Marvel Noise Episode 406 – Nebula vs. The Avengers

It’s a wild goose chase through the Marvel Universe of the mid-to-late ’80s as Nebula is introduced in the pages of The Avengers and then pursued for years (and years!) by Starfox, Firelord, and Super-Nova?!?! #MN406 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 404 – 2022 Cool-O-Meter

Steve, Andrew & Kevin ring out with a Recent Reads Roundtable that includes The Punisher, Hulk, Iron Man, and more. Plus, the return of our year-end Cool-O-Meter! #MN404 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 403 – Holiday Grab-Bag Special

It’s our annual selection of holiday-themed comics from the House of Ideas! This year we’ve got tales featuring Daredevil, The Black Widow, Shanna the She-Devil, The Thing, The Son of Satan, Iron Man, Gwenpool and more! Happy Solstice Celebration of your choice! #MN403

Marvel Noise Episode 402 – Recent Reads Roundtable

It’s a Recent Reads Roundtable with Steve, Andrew, Kevin and Gary serving up books featuring Namor, She-Hulk, Spidey, The FF, The Avengers, The Captain Americas, Alien, and Many More! #MN402

Marvel Noise Episode 401 – Early Ghost Rider

With 15 years under its ample belt, Marvel Noise is back with Steve’s 2022 Baltimore Comic Con debriefing and then Kevin and Andrew join in to cover the Ghost Rider’s earliest appearances in Marvel Spotlight #5-12 and Ghost Rider #1-3, which includes the 1st appearances of Damien Hellstrom, the Son of Satan! #MN401

Marvel Noise Episode 400 – 15th Anniversary Episode

It’s our 15th Anniversary, 400th Episode Spectacular! It’s 3 podcasts in 1! Steve, Andrew & Kevin cover every Marvel issue 400, plus Gerry McDade & Sean Pigeon unleash a brand-new 90min episode of the Great X-Pectations Podcast (GXP #36), then Mike Myers & Darrell Taylor deliver a special hour long ‘Marvel After Dark’ segment in the style of their old DC Noise show! It’s a nearly 4-hour Giant-Sized Marvel Super Special! @marvelnoise #MN400