Marvel Noise Episode 4

Fantastic Four #550New releases! Pick of the Week! SkrullWatch! Criminal! Nova! The Order! Punisher War Journal! Wolverine: Origins!

It’s not a long episode, but it’s filled with information. And the ramblings of a medicated host.

Enjoy this, the fourth episode of Marvel Noise.

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Marvel Noise Episode 3

The Unknown #1 This week it’s right down to business with the run down on the Marvel titles waiting for you at the comic shop this week. That’s followed up with the Pick of the Week (hint: it’s pictured on the left) and some thoughts on last week’s selection. Next, a new feature is introduced which is sure to incite some reaction. Or at least a roll of the eyes. Finally, some reviews from the past week as there’s some gushing over Marvel Comics Presents #1 as well as Fantastic Four #548 and 549, along with a mention of Omega Flight #5.

This episode contains some thoughts on what happened in New Avengers #s 33 and 34 and Fantastic Four #s 548 and 549. Some scenes are discussed in detail, but should still leave enough for you to enjoy the stories on your own. Consider this a spoiler warning.

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Marvel Noise Episode 2

Immortal Iron Fist Annual #1The second episode of Marvel Noise is here! First, a quick rundown of the Marvel titles shipping this week. There’s also an offering by way of the soon-to-be-renamed Pick Of The Week segment. If you were wondering just how to make sense of all of those creators that will be working on Amazing Spider-Man next year, wonder no more! And just what did our host think of the Marvel books he read this past week? Captain America! Wolverine: Origins! Daredevil! Blade! Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four! Punisher!

If you were going to listen to only one half hour today, this is that half hour!

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Marvel Noise Episode 1

Thor #3In this fantastic first episode of the all-new, all-different Marvel Noise, David Price gives you the information on what’s coming out from the House of Ideas today (so if you haven’t been to the comic shop you may want to wait another 15 minutes). Plus, how one title can make a man oblivious to what’s happening elsewhere in the Marvel Universe. Also, from a new series with an old character, a review of Thor #3. Finally, the show is capped with a rundown of the Marvel titles that are expected to be on sale next week. Audio comments included, no purchase necessary.

Music courtesy Hudson Cerone.

Mighty Avengers #1 Mighty Avengers #2 Mighty Avengers #3 Mighty Avengers #4

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