Marvel Noise Episode 446 – A Classic Recent Reads Roundtable

Steve, Andrew & Kevin team up for a Recent Reads Roundtable of classic comics, featuring Thor #171, Daredevil #52 and Sub-Mariner #14-16 from 1969, The Champions #14-15 and Marvel Team-Up #65-66 from 1977, and a collection of Steranko’s Nick Fury! #MN446

Marvel Noise Episode 311

Steve hits up another AlbanyComicBookShow, then wwxKev & Andrew the LArabbit join in and the gang tackle USAvengers 10-12, the Spider-Man ‘toon, Live Action Fight Scenes, the SHIELD 100th Episode L.A. Event, Archie Digest Spectacular?!?, Avengers/Champions: Worlds Collide Crossover, Jessica Jones Netflix Season 2, Occupy Avengers 1-9, In-Story Product Placement, Moon Knight 6-14 & 188-192, Doctor Strange 12-25, 381-385 & Annual 1, Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme 1-12, Collections of Classic Material in this Month’s Solicits, Scarlet Witch 11-15, and the 1st 9 issues of the weekly Avengers: No Surrender event! @marvelnoise #MN311

Marvel Noise Episode 306

Steve & Kevin talk up new Marvel Legends, news of Bendis leaving the House of Ideas, Marvel characters that mimic the JLA, collected editions of classic material in the November Previews, The Champions 14-15 (1st appearance of The Swarm!), and catch up on Dan Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man run before Steve tells about attending the AlbanyComicBookShow and Deadpool’s Limited Series during 2016-2017! #MN306 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 284

Steve, Kevin, and Andrew cover the newly solicited collected editionsĀ of classic material that caught their eyes, then take a somewhat critical look back at 2016 before getting into some recent reads and a plethora of new number 1 issues! Brought to you by Doc Samson and the Terrigen Cloud #MarvelNoise284

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