Marvel Noise Episode 409 – Super-Villian Classics Featuring Blastaar, the Living Bomburst!

Steve, Andrew & Kevin look back at a collection of Super-Villian Classics featuring Blastaar, the Living Bomburst, including his 1st appearance in Fantastic Four #61-63 (1967), plus X-Men #53 (1968), Thor #269-270, and Marvel Two-In-One #75 (1981). Then the guys launch into a Recent Reads Roundtable with The X-Men Animated Series Hardcover Book, Limited Series Joe Fixit, The Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Thunderbolts, The Wasp, All-Out Avengers, and Monica Rambeau – Photon, the Amazing Spider-Man – Dark Web Event, and More! #MN409 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 396 – Manny & The Molecule Man

It’s a Bronze-Age Binge featuring The Molecule Man and Man-Thing, and Recent Reads including Captain America, Avengers Forever, Hulk, and Amazing Spider-Man #900! #MN396

Marvel Noise Episode 380 – Holiday Treasury Edition

It’s a Holiday Treasury Edition of Marvel Noise as Jim Whiting joins Steve to unwrap a selection of holiday issues from past years featuring the X-Men, Spider-Man, and more! Then Steve, wwxKevin and Andrew the LArabbit continue the grab bag with The Thing & The Ghost Rider, Daredevil, the X-Men, Spider-Man, and Force Works!?!?! #MN380 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 370

Steve, Andrew & Kevin are in full Bronze-Age mode as they scope out Marvel Two-In-One issues 80 & 86, then finish up our early Nova (& Dr Sun) coverage with Fantastic Four 217 and ROM, Spaceknight 23-27! #MN270

Our Previous Nova Coverage:

I Nova 1-7

II Nova 8-14

III Nova 15-21

IV Nova 22-25

V FF 204-214

Plus Nova’s next appearances in Thor and New Warriors #1

Our coverage of Doctor Sun’s appearances in Tomb of Dracula:

MN256 with Tomb of Dracula 11-21

MN281 with Tomb of Dracula 22-31

MN305 with Tomb of Dracula 32-42

And lastly, just for fun here are the episodes with our legendary PM/IF coverage from 2016-2017:

1-16 MN273

17-27 MN 279

28-35 MN281

36-46 MN283

47-55 MN286

56-65 MN288

66-75 MN290

76-84 MN293

85-92 MN297

93-100 MN299

Marvel Noise Episode 357

After an unintended sabbatical since Halloween, Steve, Kevin & Andrew are back with the first of 3 weekly episodes to finish out 2020. It’s a Bronze Age Binge with Marvel Two-In-One #50, 100, & 52, followed by a Recent Reads Roundtable of current comics that includes first thoughts on the X of Swords X-Men event, Giant-Size X-Men: Storm, Juggernaut #1-2, Thor #7-9, Iron Man #1-2, Amazing Spider-Man #49-51, Daredevil #22-23 …and Adam X?!? #MN357 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 318

Steve tells Gerry McDade about the 2018 BostonComicCon, they talk about buying original art, then Steve wraps up with his thoughts on the latest Marvel Two-In-One series and new Fantastic Four #1 before heading off to the beach. Enjoy! @marvelnoise #MN318