Marvel Noise Episode 388 – Marc Spector: Moon Knight III

Steve begins a path through the Conan Marvel Graphic Novels with Conan the Reaver from 1987, then is joined by Andrew to tell Kevin about the Beyond Amazing: 60 Years of Spider-Man Web Event from March. This episode’s Marvel Tales Feature is the 3rd installment of our Marc Spector: Moon Knight coverage with issues #15-21, featuring the Trial of Marc Spector! Enjoy! #MN388 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 386 – Marc Spector: Moon Knight II

Kevin & Steve catch up on recent issues of The Avengers and Avengers Forever (2nd Series), then Andrew joins in for our 2nd installment covering Chuck Dixon’s run writing Marc Spector – Moon Knight with issues #8-14! #MN386 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 384 – Marc Spector: Moon Knight I

Steve, Andrew & Kevin have a few Recent Reads to clear off their plate with All The Marvels, Black Panther #3, Black Widow #13, She-Hulk #1, The Unbeatable Squirrel-Girl, Star Wars #20, Defenders #5, Darkhawk #5, and Kate Bishop: Hawkeye #1-3. Then it’s our first installment covering Chuck Dixon’s run on the Marc Spector: Moon Knight series that began in 1989 with issues #1-7! @marvelnoise #MN384

Marvel Noise Episode 379 – Giant-Size Recent Reads Roundtable

Our Con-Men segment triumphantly returns as Steve & Rich discuss the 2021 BaltimoreComicCon and the AlbanyComicCon (a.k.a. the AlbanyComicBookShow)! Then strap in for a Giant-Size Recent Reads Roundtable as Kevin, Steve & Andrew touch on the Immortal Hulk’s finale, Gamma Flight, The Trial of Magneto, Inferno, Excalibur, X-Force, The Defenders, Beta Ray Bill, Moon Knight, Thor, Dark Ages, and Marvel Unlimited’s new Infinity Comics! @marvelnoise #MN379

Marvel Noise Episode 374 – What We Read This Summer

Steve, Kevin & Andrew offer up a slew of current Recent Reads, including Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #1, Roy Thomas: A Barbarian Life v1-3, Moon Knight #1-2, Defenders #1, X-Men #1-2, X-Men: Trial of Magneto #1, Star Wars, Shang-Chi #2, Darkhawk #1, Spider-Woman #13, Avengers/Hulk Free Comic Book Day 2021, Avengers 46-48, Cable: Re-loaded, and Conan #23! It’s a Giant-Sized Recent Reads Extravaganza! #MN374 @marvelnosie

Marvel Noise Episode 359

For our last episode of 2020, Steve, Andrew & Kevin’s Bronze-Age Binge features Moon Knight alongside The Defenders in issues #46-51 (which includes the first appearances of The Zodiac and The Ringer) and the Happy Iron Man of Iron Man #82-83! John Byrne’s X-Men Elsewhen, final thoughts on the X-Men ‘X of Swords’ event, & Black Widow are served up as Recent Reads, plus talk of new 3.75″ retro action figures, the Venom Movie, and more! #MN359 @marvelnoise

Music: Frank Zappa conducting Edgar Varèse Intégrales (San Francisco, February 9, 1983)

Marvel Noise Episode 357

After an unintended sabbatical since Halloween, Steve, Kevin & Andrew are back with the first of 3 weekly episodes to finish out 2020. It’s a Bronze Age Binge with Marvel Two-In-One #50, 100, & 52, followed by a Recent Reads Roundtable of current comics that includes first thoughts on the X of Swords X-Men event, Giant-Size X-Men: Storm, Juggernaut #1-2, Thor #7-9, Iron Man #1-2, Amazing Spider-Man #49-51, Daredevil #22-23 …and Adam X?!? #MN357 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 353

This episode Steve covers almost everything Empyre then is joined by Kevin and Andrew for the 2008 sequel arc to Moon Knight #25, ‘God & Country’! #MN353 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 344

We’ve got a Recent Reads Roundtable that includes the 2020 Moon Knight Annual, Superior Spider-Man’s 2nd series, the Yondu Limited Series, and a myriad of 1st Issues: Atlantis Attacks, Cable, Guardians of the Galaxy, Strange Academy, Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman, and More…! #MN344 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 311

Steve hits up another AlbanyComicBookShow, then wwxKev & Andrew the LArabbit join in and the gang tackle USAvengers 10-12, the Spider-Man ‘toon, Live Action Fight Scenes, the SHIELD 100th Episode L.A. Event, Archie Digest Spectacular?!?, Avengers/Champions: Worlds Collide Crossover, Jessica Jones Netflix Season 2, Occupy Avengers 1-9, In-Story Product Placement, Moon Knight 6-14 & 188-192, Doctor Strange 12-25, 381-385 & Annual 1, Doctor Strange & the Sorcerers Supreme 1-12, Collections of Classic Material in this Month’s Solicits, Scarlet Witch 11-15, and the 1st 9 issues of the weekly Avengers: No Surrender event! @marvelnoise #MN311