Marvel Noise Episode 409 – Super-Villian Classics Featuring Blastaar, the Living Bomburst!

Steve, Andrew & Kevin look back at a collection of Super-Villian Classics featuring Blastaar, the Living Bomburst, including his 1st appearance in Fantastic Four #61-63 (1967), plus X-Men #53 (1968), Thor #269-270, and Marvel Two-In-One #75 (1981). Then the guys launch into a Recent Reads Roundtable with The X-Men Animated Series Hardcover Book, Limited Series Joe Fixit, The Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Thunderbolts, The Wasp, All-Out Avengers, and Monica Rambeau – Photon, the Amazing Spider-Man – Dark Web Event, and More! #MN409 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 404 – 2022 Cool-O-Meter

Steve, Andrew & Kevin ring out with a Recent Reads Roundtable that includes The Punisher, Hulk, Iron Man, and more. Plus, the return of our year-end Cool-O-Meter! #MN404 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 347

Steve, Kevin & Andrew shed some recently read comics (including Avengers, Marvel Zombies: Resurrection and thanks to Kevin, oh so many more) then dive in to the first 7 issues of the original Nova series from the ’70s! #MN347 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 346

Steve, Andrew & Kevin talk about Venom, the Captain Marvels in Avengers: Unplugged, and Annihilation: Scourge….then Gary & Steve deliver on the post-Byrne, Bill Mantlo scribed issues 29-50 of Alpha Flight! #MN346 @marvelnoise