Marvel Noise Episode 429 – Leap Day Roundtable

It’s a Leap Day Recent Reads Roundtable with Kevin, Andrew & Steve talking up the new Night Thrasher, The Punisher, Thanos, Power Pack and Ultimate Spider-Man titles, as well as The Generic Comic Book, the Fall & Rise X-Books, more from Secret Wars: Battleworld, and recent issues of Thunderbolts and Blade. Plus: Toys! #MN429

Marvel Noise Episode 336

Steve, Andrew & Kevin share some recent reads while Steve heads off to the BaltimoreComicCon! #MN336 @MarvelNoise

Marvel Noise Episode 307

Steve dishes out the skinny on the recent Punisher and Infamous Iron Man series before he and Kevin welcome Andrew back for a roundtable discussion on Bendis’ legacy, Jessica Jones, Black Panther, Cable, Captain America, Not Brand Ecch & FOOM 2017, Captain Marvel, Daredevil, Darkhawk, Doctor Strange, Falcon, Iron Man, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Moon Knight from the Orient, Old Man Logan, Silver Sable, The Punisher, Power Pack, Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man, Runaways, Secret Warriors, Spider-Gwen, and Venom! Enjoy! #MN307 @marvelnoise