Marvel Noise Episode 448 – February Recent Reads Roundtable

In our February Recent Reads Roundtable, Steve, Kevin & Andrew cover Alien- Romulus #1, One World Under Doom #1, One World Under Doom- Thunderbolts #1, Fantastic Four #28, Doctor Doom & Rocket Racoon #1, Immortal Thor #20, What If.. Mickey Mouse & Friends Became the Fantastic Four? #1, Rogue- The Savage Land #1, West Coast Avengers #3, The Blue Bounder (promo comic) #1, X-Men/Captain Universe (custom comic) #1, Namor #7 (of 8), Star Wars- A New Legacy #1 and Star Wars- A Legacy of Vader #1! #MN448

Marvel Noise Episode 309

Steve summons forth an update on the Star Wars titles and is then joined by Andrew the LArabbit & wwxKevin for a Current Comics Cavalcade including X-Men: Grand Design, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: No Surrender, Marvel 2-in-1, The Mighty Thor, Amazing Spider-Man, Rogue & Gambit, Legion, Inhumans: Judgement Day, Rise of the Black Panther, and more! @marvelnoise #MN309

Preview: From The Ashes Of Messiah CompleX Comes X-Men: Legacy!

X-Men: Legacy continues the aftermath of Messiah CompleX, centering on the lives of Professor X, Magneto, Rogue and Gambit. With the X-Men no more, mutantkind must look to the past as they move forward into a future like you’ve never seen before! Similar to the acclaimed X-Men: Deadly Genesis, this ongoing series promises to reveal shocking secrets about your favorite mutants while also launching a bold new era for the X-Men.

Retailers, please note the title change from X-Men to X-Men: Legacy with issue #208.

Messiah CompleX is over. The X-Men are no more. An X-Men: Divided We Stand tie-in, X-Men: Legacy provides a surprising look a look at the future of mutantkind!

X-MEN: LEGACY #208 (DEC072220)
Written by MIKE CAREY
Penciled by SCOT EATON
Rated A…$2.99
FOC—2/7/08, On-Sale—2/27/08

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