Marvel Noise Episode 424 – Treasury Edition Holiday Grab-Bags & Recent Reads Roundtable

Steve bends Kevin & Andrew’s ear to wax eloquent about the Marvel Treasury Edition Giant Super-Hero Holiday Grab Bags of the Bronze-Age, kicking off a Recent Reads Roundtable that includes the new Daredevil series, Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #1, the Marvel Black-Light Notecard set, the new Thunderbolts #1, the 1st 4 issues of the new Captain America series, What if Marv Wolfman returned to Tomb of Dracula?, the Superior Spider-Man one-shot, Deadpool – Seven Slaughters, Silver Surfer Rebirth – Legacy #4, and Moon Knight’s series finale in issues #28-30! #MN242

Marvel Noise Episode 226

Andrew, Kevin, and Phil dive into the second year of The Thunderbolts, covering #13-15. Steve talks about the comic conventions from Boston and San Diego. Our host brings up Ms. Marvel, All-New Ghost Rider, Superior Spider-Man, Original Sins, and Marvel Universe LIVE!.

Marvel Noise Episode 209

Andrew, Kevin, and Phil finally finish a long journey as they wrap up talking about the first year of Thunderbolts history! Rick returns with Smash Tales! And Steve and Tom and Kevin (again) round up 2013! Our host rambles on about the Thunderbolts Annual, Superior Spider-Man, and All-New X-Men

Marvel Noise Episode 208

Steve and Gerry present Valentino’s Guardians of the Galaxy, issues 1-16 and our host talks Spider-Man, Wolverine, Infinity, and what he has on tap.

Marvel Noise Episode 203

Oops! Our host said it would be a short episode. That was before he found an email from Kevin. So not only do you get to hear Steve doing a Marvel NOW! scorecard update and cover 1997’s 2-issue Conspiracy series by Abnett and Kordey, you also get Andrew, Phil, Kevin take at look at the Spider-Man corner of the Marvel Universe (Superior Spider-Man Team-up #1 and 2 and Superior Foes of Spider-Man #2 and 3) as well as tip their hat to the 50th Anniversary of the X-Men. Also Phil and Kevin recount their Fan Expo Canada adventures. Plus our host talks about Thor: God of Thunder and Wolverine and the X-Men.

Marvel Noise Episode 201

With Steve on vacation Andrew, Phil, and Kevin soldier on Hulking out on this episode with Hunger #1, Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel UK, the first volumes of Hawkeye, Thor: God of Thunder, Captain America, and Superior Spider-man in addition to some convention talk while our host touches on Thor: God of Thunder, Infinity, and Superior Spider-Man.

Marvel Noise Episode 194

Steve’s here with some Star-Lord while our host talks about Thor: God of Thunder, Avengers, New Avengers, and Uncanny Avengers.