Marvel Noise Episode 448 – February Recent Reads Roundtable

In our February Recent Reads Roundtable, Steve, Kevin & Andrew cover Alien- Romulus #1, One World Under Doom #1, One World Under Doom- Thunderbolts #1, Fantastic Four #28, Doctor Doom & Rocket Racoon #1, Immortal Thor #20, What If.. Mickey Mouse & Friends Became the Fantastic Four? #1, Rogue- The Savage Land #1, West Coast Avengers #3, The Blue Bounder (promo comic) #1, X-Men/Captain Universe (custom comic) #1, Namor #7 (of 8), Star Wars- A New Legacy #1 and Star Wars- A Legacy of Vader #1! #MN448

Marvel Noise Episode 429 – Leap Day Roundtable

It’s a Leap Day Recent Reads Roundtable with Kevin, Andrew & Steve talking up the new Night Thrasher, The Punisher, Thanos, Power Pack and Ultimate Spider-Man titles, as well as The Generic Comic Book, the Fall & Rise X-Books, more from Secret Wars: Battleworld, and recent issues of Thunderbolts and Blade. Plus: Toys! #MN429

Marvel Noise Episode 427 – Recent Reads Roundtable

Steve, Kevin and Andrew spew forth a Recent Reads Roundtable discussion that includes Kevin’s Controversial List ranking Marvel Studio phase 3 & 4 movies, Uncanny Spider-Man, The Reign of Marvel Studios book, Amazing Spider-Man – Gang War, Spider-Woman, New Warriors Marvel Legends figs, Wolverine, Woverine vs Predator, Thunderbolts #2, Avengers Unlimited digital comics, Incredible Hulk, Spider-Gwen – Smash, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Timeless #1! #MN427

Marvel Noise Episode 424 – Treasury Edition Holiday Grab-Bags & Recent Reads Roundtable

Steve bends Kevin & Andrew’s ear to wax eloquent about the Marvel Treasury Edition Giant Super-Hero Holiday Grab Bags of the Bronze-Age, kicking off a Recent Reads Roundtable that includes the new Daredevil series, Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars Battleworld #1, the Marvel Black-Light Notecard set, the new Thunderbolts #1, the 1st 4 issues of the new Captain America series, What if Marv Wolfman returned to Tomb of Dracula?, the Superior Spider-Man one-shot, Deadpool – Seven Slaughters, Silver Surfer Rebirth – Legacy #4, and Moon Knight’s series finale in issues #28-30! #MN242

Marvel Noise Episode 419 – Done-In-Ones & The Trial(s) of Venom

Steve catches up on the current Doctor Strange series through issue #7 before being joined by Andrew and Kevin for a round of Done-In-Ones featuring Spider-Man, Captain America, Daredevil, and the Thunderbolts?!?! Then it’s the Trial of Venom (both of them!)! #MN419

Marvel Noise Episode 417 – Giant-Size Recent Reads Roundtable

It’s the first part of our what’cha-been-reading-this-summer Giant-Size Recent Reads Summer Spectacular, featuring What If…?, The Incredible Hulk, Thunderbolts, The Punisher, The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor, Ultimate Invasion, The X-Books, Alien, and more! #MN417

Marvel Noise Episode 409 – Super-Villian Classics Featuring Blastaar, the Living Bomburst!

Steve, Andrew & Kevin look back at a collection of Super-Villian Classics featuring Blastaar, the Living Bomburst, including his 1st appearance in Fantastic Four #61-63 (1967), plus X-Men #53 (1968), Thor #269-270, and Marvel Two-In-One #75 (1981). Then the guys launch into a Recent Reads Roundtable with The X-Men Animated Series Hardcover Book, Limited Series Joe Fixit, The Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Thunderbolts, The Wasp, All-Out Avengers, and Monica Rambeau – Photon, the Amazing Spider-Man – Dark Web Event, and More! #MN409 @marvelnoise

Marvel Noise Episode 402 – Recent Reads Roundtable

It’s a Recent Reads Roundtable with Steve, Andrew, Kevin and Gary serving up books featuring Namor, She-Hulk, Spidey, The FF, The Avengers, The Captain Americas, Alien, and Many More! #MN402

Marvel Noise Episode 399 – New Warriors XVIII

thanks as always to Dave K for the images he crafted for us many years ago!

Gary joins the gang for a Recent Reads Roundtable that includes Defenders: Beyond, the new Thunderbolts #1, Predator #1, Wolverine: Patch, X-Force #30-31, the first arc of Strange, and the new Ant-Man Limited Series, then Steve, Andrew & Kevin present the 18th installment of New Warriors coverage with issues #51-53 & Annual #4, marking the end of writer Fabian Nicieza’s tenure on the title. #MN399