Marvel Noise Episode 289

Steve hits upon Old Man Logan & The Howling Commandos, the finale of the Squadron Supreme series, the most recent Contest of Champions, and gives a digital Infinite Comics round-up before the joining Andrew & Kevin to serve up Thunderbolts 122-127 (Secret Invasion crossover & then some!)…Enjoy!


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Marvel Noise Episode 287

Steve, Kevin & Andrew fire off a bunch of recent reads before covering Thunderbolts 116-121: Caged Angels….Enjoy!


Marvel Noise Episode 282


Steve serves up a publishing history of Doctor Strange, then is joined by Kevin & Andrew to discuss the Doctor Strange movie before ushering in a new era of the Thunderbolts with issues 110-115!

Marvel Noise Episode 279


Andrew the LArabbit tells wwxKevin & Steve Raker about his trips to the L.A. screening of the Agents of SHIELD premiere and the Long Beach ComicCon, then the guys cover more Cage with Power Man 17-27 and wrap up another era of the Thunderbolts with issues 108-109!

Marvel Noise Episode 277


Steve describes his trip to this year’s BostonComicCon, then presents a slew of recent Star Wars comics before Kevin, Andrew and Steve keep the T-bolts train rolling through Civil War and the Grandmaster Saga with Thunderbolts issues 104-107! Off to BaltimoreComicCon…see you there!

Marvel Noise Episode 273


Steve steps in as host and grades 8 more 1st arcs of All-New, All-Different Marvel titles before being joined by Andrew & Kevin to cover the 1st 16 issues of Luke Cage Hero for Hire and close out with New Thunderbolts 7-12!

Marvel Noise Episode 272

Steve tells Andrew and Kevin (and us) about the AlbanyComicBookShow from June 5, then he tells Kevin about a few collected editions offered in this month’s Previews. We finish up with Andrew, Kevin and Steve wading through New Thunderbolts 1-6 (or 82-87!)!

Marvel Noise Episode 270

MTU tag

Steve leads the charge this episode, covering Marvel Team-Up 41-46 from 1976 with Andrew before adding Kevin to the mix and finishing up the Avengers/Thunderbolts 2004 limited series with issues 4-6. Then it’s a look at the new, 2016 Thunderbolts issue 1! Justice….like lightning!

Marvel Noise Episode 269

Andrew, Kevin, and Steve go through Avengers/Thunderbolts 1-3 (2004), then Kevin and Dan cover Netflix and Marvel’s Daredevil, various Marvel shows (past and future), and a whole mess more. Spoilers abound!

Marvel Noise Episode 267


Steve says good-bye to an old friend of Marvel, then explores Marvel Comics Presents #17-37 from 1989 and a new Jack Kirby art book: Comic Book Apocalypse! Plus, they’re really gonna do it…Andrew and Kevin bring us the Fightbolts of Thunderbolts #76-81!