Marvel Noise Episode 266

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Steve covers hosting duties and offers up the current wave of Marvel digital Infinite Comics as well as Thor: Godstorm 1-3 from 2001 before he joins the guys to bring forth the conclusion of the Thunderbolts title as we once knew it with issues 73-75…Enjoy!

Marvel Noise Episode 265

Steve finds out what’s new in LEGO Marvel. Kevin and Steve hit the back issue bins with Daredevil #355. Andrew, Kevin and Steve bring you the odd numbered issues (#67, 69, 71) of the Thunderbolts that are still on Earth. Our host mentions Standoff and All-New, All-Different Avengers.

Marvel Noise Episode 264

Steve brings you Bill Everett’s return to Sub-Mariner as collected in the Sub-Mariner Marvel Masterworks Vol. 7, while the guys keep riding that high and bring you the ‘most wanted ‘most requested” Thunderbolts segment back, and they haven’t forgotten about the listeners as they cover the Counter Earth issues from Thunderbolts 66-72. And our host touches on the Deadpool movie, Power Man and Iron Fist, and Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill.

Marvel Noise Episode 259

Andrew, Kevin, and Steve enter the bi-weekly era of Thunderbolts with issues 63-65! Then Steve brings us the Juggernaut/Colossus arc that closes out the Amazing X-Men series, as well as the recent 12-issue Nightcrawler run by Chris Claremont and Todd Nauck. But first, our host touches on Red Wolf, Daredevil, and various Star Wars titles.

Marvel Noise Episode 254

Steve gives us a BaltimoreComicCon debriefing and covers the first 10 issues of the Mark Waid-written SHIELD series and some one-shots (I didn’t want to fix the typo he sent, but I figured I should) while
Kevin, Andrew, and Steve continue their never ending coverage of Thunderbolts with issues #60-62! And our host basically says “hello”.

Marvel Noise Episode 248

Steve, Kevin, and Andrew continue their coverage of the classic Thunderbolts series covering #55-57. Steve’s Recent Reads with Andrew and Kevin bring up the Death of Wolverine, Thanos: the Infinity Relativity OGN, and the conclusions to the current Guardians 3000 and Deathlok series. Andrew Shaw, Dan, and Kevin are back to talk more about Marvel Unlimited. And our host shows up to let you know he hasn’t done his homework.

Marvel Noise Episode 247

Dan, Andrew Shaw, and Kevin spotlight Marvel Unlimited and discuss what they have been reading on the digital service while Andrew, Kevin, and Steve talk about more Secret Wars tie-ins (Ghost Racers, Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps, Marvel Zombies, Mrs Deadpool and the Howling Commandos, Thors, Squadron Sinister, Runaways, X-Tinction Agenda, Weirdworld, Armor Wars, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, 1602: Witchhunter Angela, Years of Future Past, Future Imperfect, X-Men ’92 Infinite Comic) and then Andrew, Kevin, and, Steve finish the episode talkin’ ’bout the Thunderbolts (Life Sentences and #53-54 of the series). Our host kicks things off with a quick rambling rundown of what he’s been reading.

Marvel Noise Episode 244

Spoilers abound as Kevin, Phil, Andrew, and Steve talk about Secret Wars #1 and Avengers: Age of Ultron. Then Andrew, Kevin, and Steve wrap the episode up with their Thunderbolts thing. But first, our host reminds you to read Moon Knight.

Marvel Noise Episode 242

Kevin, Phil, Andrew, and Steve cover The Superior Foes of Spider-Man and The Thunderbolts hit the big 50 as Steve, Andrew, and Kevin discuss issues #48-50 ending the Scourge saga while our host talks up Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix in a BIG way.

Marvel Noise Episode 241

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While David’s not looking, Steve and Phil deliver some current reads (Moon Knight, Ant-Man and Avengers: Millenium Infinite Comics, Nova Annual 1, Hulk, Star Wars, and the late 20 issue X-Factor series), then Kevin, Andrew and Steve advance Project: Thunderbolts 3 more issues, covering 45 to 47 of the original series…Enjoy!