Marvel Noise Episode 209

Andrew, Kevin, and Phil finally finish a long journey as they wrap up talking about the first year of Thunderbolts history! Rick returns with Smash Tales! And Steve and Tom and Kevin (again) round up 2013! Our host rambles on about the Thunderbolts Annual, Superior Spider-Man, and All-New X-Men

Marvel Noise Episode 206

Andrew, Kevin, and Phil continue their coverage of early Thunderbolts history covering issues #6-8 as well as a guest appearance in Heroes for Heroes #7, Steve recaps his adventures at AlbanyComicBookShow experience, then covers the work Kirby and Ditko did for Marvel when they returned in the 70s, and our host talks about Indestructible Hulk and Uncanny Avengers.

Marvel Noise Episode 195

Andrew, Phil, and Kevin prattle on about recent comics/Marvel movie news, recent cons, and finally coverage of more early Thunderbolts issues. Steve and Justin talk Marvel Fanfare. And our host talks about the Captain America and Thor movies, Hawkeye, and Avengers Arena.

Marvel Noise Episode 191

Fantastic Foursights! Steve, Chris, and Alan talk about Fantastic Four, FF, AND New Avengers. Plus, Kevin and Andrew take you through the early appearances of the Thunderbolts and squeeze in some con talk.

Marvel Noise Episode 157

Steve is joined by Dave K. and Andrew (aka LA Rabbit) where they discuss Heroes for Hire, Alpha Flight, Thunderbolts, Walt Simonson Thor Artist’s Edition, TwoMorrow’s Alter-Ego, New Avengers, Punisher, FF, Wolverine: Debt of Death, Tomb of Dracula Presents: Throne of Blood, Spider-Girl, X-Men Curse of the Mutants TPB, and Amazing Spider-Man Spider-Island Prelude; while our host rambles on about Mystery Men, Captain America, and X-Men: Schism.
Continue reading “Marvel Noise Episode 157”

Marvel Noise Episode 117

This week we have Pat’s new segment, Steve talking Marvel cosmic, Smash Tales, and more cosmic conversations with Tom, Steve, and Rick!! And our host drives around the neighborhood of a point but does he ever find a parking spot?

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Preview: Thunderbolts: International Incident

An International Incident Shakes The Thunderbolts

In the wake of the Civil War and the nationwide adoption of the Superhero Registration act, heroes and villains alike are now working for the government. Enter the Thunderbolts – a fearful super-villain team forced to be the good guys. However, Radioactive Man, a citizen of China, and the Swordsman, who hails from Germany, are not American citizens. In a mind-blowing one shot, Thunderbolts: International Incident, the team is tasked with following the sadistic scientist Arnim Zola after an attack in Atlanta. The mission, however, involves going into a foreign country; something not in the Thunderbolts’ contract. Radioactive Man and Swordsman will be faced with strenuous decisions. What do you do when a mission goes against the best interests of your home country? To whom does your allegiance truly belong?

Wrapped in a stunning cover by Marko Djurdjevic, Thunderbolts: International Incident is penned by the amazing Christos Gage (mastermind behind Thunderbolts: Breaking Point and House of M: Avengers) and is combined with the sensational art of Ben Oliver (Ultimate X-Men).

Will Radioactive Man and Swordsman stand up for their team, their country, or will they go rogue? This fantastic one shot is perfect for readers new and old; this is the Thunderbolts special that can’t be missed!

Rated T+ …$2.99
FOC – 2/7, On-Sale 2/27/2008

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